“It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It’s what we do consistently.”

-Tony Robbins

The magical number of hours of practice to become an expert at something in the self-help world is 10,000 hours. Scientifically, there’s research showing that repetitions are more important than time. Either way you need to take massive action to get to the top.

 Beeple is a digital artist and he created a piece of artwork everyday for a year known as “Everydays”. No matter the finished product, he puts out a piece of artwork at the end of the day. Beeple just sold a JPEG of all his originals as an NFT for $69 million! Jerry Seinfeld is a famous comedian. He was recently on the Tim Ferris podcast, and he says he writes something every day. It doesn’t matter if it’s funny or not, it’s written down. 

I first learned about this concept of thinking when I went to Unleash The Power Within seminar with Tony Robbins, and he talked about how 2 millimeters of action each day would lead to some extraordinary results. Through reading, I then learned of a similar concept called Kaizen, which is a Japanese word meaning continuous improvement. Kai means ‘change’ and zen means ‘good’.  

I strongly believe that doing something every single day, no matter how big or small, creates excellence. If you just put in 15 minutes a day of serious concentrated effort, then that will compound over time and will make you very knowledgeable in whatever you practice or study. Think about where you would be if you really put in the time each day, imagine where you would be in one year. I’m willing to bet it would be more astronomical than what you are thinking. Don’t underestimate the power of compound interest. 

I joke that I’m moving at the speed of a sloth in regards to who I’m trying to be as a human being, but I’m moving. If you leave your sail up long enough, the wind will eventually catch it. Enjoy the peace when you have it because when that wind picks up, well, find something to hang on to.