Being short, it has taken me a while to be comfortable with my body. It was easier throughout grade school and high school because all the girls thought I was cute and adorable, which I was, and they would boost my self-confidence. That all got washed away as soon as I went to college. Girls weren’t looking for cute and adorable anymore. They were looking for confidence, manliness, and sexy. My confidence came by accepting that I can’t change my height. Still, I can work on many other things to increase my confidence—things like body physique, charisma, wittiness, learning to create extraordinary conversations, and humor.

Humor and wittiness have always been my strengths, and when looking for your confidence, it’s imperative to double down on your strengths while working on your weaknesses. But, be gentle with yourself when working on your weaknesses. Too many people are looking at the micro when it’s documented that good things take time. Have you ever heard of compound interest? Well, if you haven’t, you should research it right now! Just 2 millimeters of work put in each day is going to amount to something massive over time! You need to implement micro and macro views.

 Now I have been handed down a new card before turning thirty, and that card is the bald card. Since I started balding and shaving my head, it has made me more connected with myself. Being a bald man definitely takes some serious self-reflection to become confident again, a la Jason Statham. For me, it makes me feel naked, and there is nothing to cover me up, such as being able to style my hair or get a fresh, clean-cut. It’s me in the flesh, nothing but me. Resembling the baby, I was right out of the womb. It’s turning into a beautiful thing for me to look in the mirror every day, and being guided straight towards my eyes and soul. It’s allowing me to connect with who I really am on the inside and quiets my worries about the outside. If I hadn’t been working on my confidence all these years, my shortness combined with being bald would put many guys into a depression.

Get comfortable with who you are, and learn to love yourself! Look at yourself naked in the mirror and tell yourself that you love every single nanometer of you because you have no other choice! Do this every day! Stop looking at other people and wishing you were them, had their body, their hair, or yada yada. The truth is, those people who you want to be are doing precisely the same thinking as you are and wish they could change something about themselves! Stop! Love yourself! You are unique, and when comfortable with your body, your confidence will outdo that person you wish you could be by tenfold.

A study came out saying the odds of being a human being are 400 trillion to 1! You could wish and hope for a different this and that, but you have to look at it from another perspective. You should be so ecstatic that you even have the chance of being a human being! You are a miracle! Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity you have before you. 

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Follow: Gary Vaynerchuk | IG: @garyvee

Gary V. is mainly associated with Marketing/Advertising, but this guy puts out some incredible content on not caring what other people think, and tips to find happiness. He is where I first heard of the 400 trillion to 1 statistic.


Awareness (My Favorite Book) & The Way To Love by Anthony De Mello

The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom by Jonathan Haidt — Pay particular attention to the elephant and the rider analogy, it is brilliant.