As I enter my 30s this year, I wanted to do a little self-reflection of the things I have learned in my thirty years of breathing on Earth. I became addicted to self-development in 2017 after graduating from college and realizing that I chose the completely wrong career, spiraling into a depression. I attended five different universities, switched majors more times than I can remember, and have lived in 12 cities spanning coast to coast, all before the age of 30. My journey has been unorthodox and one that I often would trade for a standard, stagnant, and routine life. That is until I reflect and realize all the wisdom I have gained from my specific path. 

I want to put in my disclaimer that I am not a professional in any topic I will be discussing. I am also not an English major. While I have read copious amounts of books about the subjects I will be talking about, I still urge you to question everything I say and to do your due diligence and research. I will be providing books that have been of great value to me and will reference them throughout. I am not getting paid for any of these referrals, as I am so small on the totem pole, these authors that I reference have no clue I exist. 

The topics that I will be covering are lessons I have learned through reading, listening to podcasts, and life experiences. I started writing this just for myself, but then I realized this could be beneficial for other people. 

I have learned that it is a lot easier to give out advice than to take action yourself. I’ve acknowledged that I do this, so yes, I am a hypocrite and write these life lessons down without always following them myself. But, being able to acknowledge where and why you aren’t succeeding is a huge lesson to learn. You are where you are today because of all the choices you have made. You can create a different tomorrow starting today. 

Let’s get into it!